Policy: AWS > Well-Architected Tool > AWS Well-Architected Framework > Security > SEC 10. How do you anticipate, respond to, and recover from incidents? > Develop incident management plans
Create plans to help you respond to, communicate during, and recover from an incident. For example, you can start an incident response plan with the most likely scenarios for your workload and organization. Include how you would communicate and escalate both internally and externally.
See Develop incident management plans for more information.
Resource Types
This policy targets the following resource types:
Primary Policy
This policy is used with the following primary policy:
- AWS > Well-Architected Tool > AWS Well-Architected Framework > Security
- AWS > Well-Architected Tool > AWS Well-Architected Framework > Security > SEC 10. How do you anticipate, respond to, and recover from incidents?
Policy Specification
Schema Type |
Default |
Valid Values [YAML] |
In Your Workspace
- tmod:@turbot/turbot#/control/categories/other
- tmod:@turbot/aws-wellarchitected-framework#/policy/types/sec10DevelopManagementPlans
- turbot graphql policy-type --id "tmod:@turbot/aws-wellarchitected-framework#/policy/types/sec10DevelopManagementPlans"
- turbot graphql policy-settings --filter "policyTypeId:tmod:@turbot/aws-wellarchitected-framework#/policy/types/sec10DevelopManagementPlans"
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