Control: AWS > Well-Architected Tool > AWS Well-Architected Framework > Security > SEC 10. How do you anticipate, respond to, and recover from incidents?
Preparation is critical to timely and effective investigation, response to, and recovery from security incidents to help minimize disruption to your organization.
See SEC 10. How do you anticipate, respond to, and recover from incidents? for more information.
Resource Types
This control targets the following resource types:
Primary Policies
The following policies can be used to configure this control:
- SEC 10. How do you anticipate, respond to, and recover from incidents?
- SEC 10. How do you anticipate, respond to, and recover from incidents? > Automate containment capability
- SEC 10. How do you anticipate, respond to, and recover from incidents? > Develop incident management plans
- SEC 10. How do you anticipate, respond to, and recover from incidents? > Identify key personnel and external resources
- SEC 10. How do you anticipate, respond to, and recover from incidents? > Pre-deploy tools
- SEC 10. How do you anticipate, respond to, and recover from incidents? > Pre-provision access
- SEC 10. How do you anticipate, respond to, and recover from incidents? > Prepare forensic capabilities
- SEC 10. How do you anticipate, respond to, and recover from incidents? > Run game days
In Your Workspace
- tmod:@turbot/aws-wellarchitected-framework#/control/types/sec10
- tmod:@turbot/turbot#/control/categories/cmdb
- turbot graphql controls --filter "controlTypeId:tmod:@turbot/aws-wellarchitected-framework#/control/types/sec10"
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