Policy Setting: GCP > DNS > Managed Zone > Approved > Custom
This policy setting is dependent on the following policy types:
resource "turbot_policy_setting" "gcp_dns_managed_zone_approved_custom" { resource = turbot_policy_pack.main.id type = "tmod:@turbot/gcp-dns#/policy/types/managedZoneApprovedCustom" note = "GCP CIS v2.0.0 - Control: 3.4 and 3.5" template_input = <<-EOT { managedZone { dnssecConfigDefaultKeySpecs: get(path: "dnssecConfig.defaultKeySpecs") } } EOT template = <<-EOT {% set results = [] -%}
{%- if $.managedZone.dnssecConfigDefaultKeySpecs -%}
{%- set dnssecConfigDefaultKeySpecs = $.managedZone.dnssecConfigDefaultKeySpecs -%}
{%- set zoneSigningRsasha1 = false -%}
{%- set keySigningRsasha1 = false -%}
{%- for keySpec in dnssecConfigDefaultKeySpecs -%}
{%- if keySpec.keyType == 'zoneSigning' and keySpec.algorithm == 'rsasha1' -%}
{%- set zoneSigningRsasha1 = true -%}
{%- elif keySpec.keyType == 'keySigning' and keySpec.algorithm == 'rsasha1' -%}
{%- set keySigningRsasha1 = true -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- if zoneSigningRsasha1 -%}
{%- set data = { "title": "Zone-Signing Key", "result": "Not approved", "message": "RSASHA1 is used for the Zone-Signing key" } -%}
{%- else -%}
{%- set data = { "title": "Zone-Signing Key", "result": "Approved", "message": "RSASHA1 is not used for the Zone-Signing key" } -%}
{%- endif -%}
{% set results = results.concat(data) -%}
{%- if keySigningRsasha1 -%}
{%- set data = { "title": "Key-Signing Key", "result": "Not approved", "message": "RSASHA1 is used for the Key-Signing key" } -%}
{%- else -%}
{%- set data = { "title": "Key-Signing Key", "result": "Approved", "message": "RSASHA1 is not used for the Key-Signing key" } -%}
{%- endif -%}
{% set results = results.concat(data) -%}
{%- else -%}
{%- set data = { "title": "DNSSEC Configuration", "result": "Skip", "message": "No data for DNSSEC configuration yet" } -%}
{% set results = results.concat(data) -%}
{%- endif -%}
{{ results | json }} EOT}