Policy Setting: AWS > SSM > Stack > Source
This policy setting is dependent on the following policy types:
resource "turbot_policy_setting" "ssm_stack_source" { resource = var.region_arn type = "tmod:@turbot/aws-ssm#/policy/types/ssmStackSource" value = <<-EOT # Creates a SSM Command Document which installs package on Linux Instance from OS package source repository resource "aws_ssm_document" "turbot_linux_package_installer_public_network_document" { name = "Turbot-LinuxPackageInstaller-PublicNetwork" document_type = "Command" document_format = "YAML" content = <<EOC schemaVersion: "2.2" description: Installs package on Linux Instance from OS package source repository parameters: package: type: String description: (Required) The package to be installed minChars: 1 mainSteps: - action: "aws:runShellScript" name: InstallPackage inputs: runCommand: - | #!/bin/bash set -e
OS="$(hostnamectl | sed -n -e 's/^.*Operating System: //p')" echo "OS is: $OS"
if [[ $OS =~ "Ubuntu" ]]; then apt-get update apt-get install -y {{ package }} fi EOC }
# Creates a SSM Command Document which installs packages avaiable on S3 buckets. # The document created here is intended to be called by Turbot-LinuxPackageInstaller-PrivateNetwork document resource "aws_ssm_document" "turbot_linux_s3_package_installer_document" { name = "Turbot-LinuxS3PackageInstaller" document_type = "Command" document_format = "YAML" content = <<EOC schemaVersion: "2.2" description: Install packages avaiable on S3 buckets. This document is part of Turbot-LinuxPackageInstaller-PrivateNetwork document parameters: packageS3Url: type: String description: (Required) The S3 package URL to be installed minChars: 1 mainSteps: - action: aws:downloadContent name: DownloadPackageFromS3 inputs: sourceType: S3 sourceInfo: >- {"path": "{{ packageS3Url }}"} - action: aws:runShellScript name: InstallPackage inputs: runCommand: - | #!/bin/bash set -e
OS="$(hostnamectl | sed -n -e 's/^.*Operating System: //p')" echo "OS is: $OS"
packageS3Url="{{ packageS3Url }}" packageFile=$(echo $packageS3Url | rev | cut -d'/' -f 1 | rev) ls -la $packageFile pwd
if [[ $OS =~ "Ubuntu" ]]; then dpkg -i $packageFile fi EOC }
# Creates a SSM Automation Document which installs package on Linux Instance inside a private network by storing target package on a S3 bucket resource "aws_ssm_document" "turbot_linux_package_installer_private_network_document" { name = "Turbot-LinuxPackageInstaller-PrivateNetwork" document_type = "Automation" document_format = "YAML" content = <<EOC schemaVersion: "0.3" description: Installs package on Linux Instance inside a private network by storing target package on a S3 bucket parameters: packageUrl: type: String description: (Required) The URL of the package to be installed minChars: 1 bucket: type: String description: (Required) The bucket where the package will be stored minChars: 1 assumeRole: "${var.ssm_document_role_arn}" mainSteps: # This script execution runs on Systems Manager sandbox, charges may apply - name: DownloadPackageToS3 action: "aws:executeScript" inputs: Runtime: python3.7 Handler: script_handler InputPayload: packageUrl: "{{ packageUrl }}" bucket: "{{ bucket }}" Script: |- def script_handler(events, context): import urllib3 import boto3
package_url = events["packageUrl"] bucket = events["bucket"] object_key = package_url.split("/")[-1]
print("Pulling package: %s" % package_url) http = urllib3.PoolManager() r = http.request("GET", package_url, preload_content=False) s3 = boto3.client("s3")
s3.upload_fileobj(r, bucket, object_key) package_s3_url = "https://%s.s3.amazonaws.com/%s" % (bucket, object_key) return {"packageS3Url": package_s3_url} outputs: - Name: packageS3Url Selector: $.Payload.packageS3Url Type: String - name: ExecuteTurbotLinuxS3PackageInstallerDocument action: "aws:runCommand" inputs: DocumentName: Turbot-LinuxS3PackageInstaller Parameters: packageS3Url: "{{DownloadPackageToS3.packageS3Url}}" Targets: - Key: tag:turbot:InventoryCollection Values: - "true" EOC } EOT}