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Policy Packs
Enforce Backups of EBS Volumes

Enforce Backups of EBS Volumes

Enforcing backups of EBS volumes provides a crucial defense against lost data. Guardrails uses the AWS Backup service to create and manage backups of EBS volumes.

This policy pack can help you configure the following settings for AWS Backup:

  • Create the required IAM role for AWS Backup to use.
  • Create Backup vaults, plans, and selections to backup EBS volumes.

Review policy settings →

Getting Started



To create a policy pack through Terraform:

  • Ensure you have Turbot/Admin permissions (or higher) in Guardrails
  • Create access keys in Guardrails

And then set your credentials:

export TURBOT_ACCESS_KEY=acce6ac5-access-key-here
export TURBOT_SECRET_KEY=a8af61ec-secret-key-here

Please see Turbot Guardrails Provider authentication for additional authentication methods.


Install Policy Pack


By default, installed policy packs are not attached to any resources.

Policy packs must be attached to resources in order for their policy settings to take effect.


git clone
cd guardrails-samples/policy_packs/aws/backup/enforce_ebs_volume_backups

Run the Terraform to create the policy pack in your workspace:

terraform init
terraform plan

Then apply the changes:

terraform apply

Apply Policy Pack

Log into your Guardrails workspace and attach the policy pack to a resource.

If this policy pack is attached to a Guardrails folder, its policies will be applied to all accounts and resources in that folder. The policy pack can also be attached to multiple resources.

For more information, please see Policy Packs.

Enable Enforcement


You can also update the policy settings in this policy pack directly in the Guardrails console.

Please note your Terraform state file will then become out of sync and the policy settings should then only be managed in the console.

By default, the policies are set to Check in the pack's policy settings. To enable automated enforcements, you can switch these policies settings by adding a comment to the Check setting and removing the comment from one of the listed enforcement options:

# AWS > Backup > Stack
resource "turbot_policy_setting" "aws_backup_stack" {
resource =
type = "tmod:@turbot/aws-backup#/policy/types/backupStack"
#value = "Check: Configured"
value = "Enforce: Configured"
# AWS > IAM > Stack > Source
resource "turbot_policy_setting" "aws_iam_iam_stack" {
resource =
type = "tmod:@turbot/aws-iam#/policy/types/iamStack"
# value = "Check: Configured"
value = "Enforce: Configured"

Then re-apply the changes:

terraform plan
terraform apply

Disable Backups

To stop backups from happening while preserving the existing backups, remove this resource definition from the AWS > Backup > Stack > Source policy setting:

resource "aws_backup_selection" "ebs_resource_assignment" {
iam_role_arn = "arn:aws:iam::{{ $ }}:role/turbot/core/guardrails_backup_service_role"
name = "guardrails-ebs-resource-assignment"
plan_id =
resources = ["arn:aws:ec2:*:*:volume/*"]

Then apply the changes:

terraform plan
terraform apply

Decommission the Backup Vault

To completely remove a Backup Vault and all backups, execute the following steps.

Delete EBS Volume Backups

Edit the Backup > Stack > Source policy setting in the policy pack.

  • To flush the current backups, set the retention period to one day, as shown below.
  • Remove the Backup Selection from the AWS > Backup > Stack > Source. This will prevent new backups from happening.

When the changes are complete the template attribute for Backup > Stack > Source should look like this:

resource "aws_backup_vault" "vault" {
name = "guardrails-backup-vault"
tags = {
turbot_version = "v5"
resource "aws_backup_plan" "guardrails_ebs_backups" {
name = "guardrails-backup-plan"
rule {
# The time allowed for the job to start, any longer and it will be cancelled.
start_window = 480
# The amount of time allowed for the backup to complete, before it is cancelled.
completion_window = 10080
rule_name = "guardrails-ebs-backups-rule"
schedule = "cron(0 5 ? * * *)"
target_vault_name =
lifecycle {
delete_after = 1

Then apply the changes:

terraform plan
terraform apply

Delete Backup Vault

Wait a day or two for the backups to be flushed from the Guardrails Backup vault. AWS will not allow a vault to be destroyed when backups are still present.

This is most easily done by replacing template and template_input attributes of Backup > Stack > Source as shown below. The [] value instructs the Backup > Stack control to destroy all managed resources.

# AWS > Backup > Stack > Source
resource "turbot_policy_setting" "aws_backup_stack_source" {
resource =
type = "tmod:@turbot/aws-backup#/policy/types/backupStackSource"
value = "[]"

Then apply the changes:

terraform plan
terraform apply

Verify that all the Backup > Stack controls have gone into an ok state. If they go into error, the Backup > Stack control logs should give a good indication of what's wrong.

Delete Backup IAM Role

Edit the AWS > IAM > Stack > Source policy to the following:

# AWS > IAM > Stack > Source
resource "turbot_policy_setting" "aws_iam_iam_stack_source" {
resource =
type = "tmod:@turbot/aws-iam#/policy/types/iamStackSource"
value = "[]"

Then apply the changes:

terraform plan
terraform apply

Verify that all the IAM > Stack controls are in ok. Resolve any controls in an error state.

Finally, remove the policy pack from your Guardrails workspace:

terraform destroy