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Policy: GCP > Network > Subnetwork > ServiceNow > Table > Definition

The policy enables the definition of ServiceNow table properties, including its name and the base table from which it extends, and details the specific columns required for representing GCP > Network > Subnetwork data.

Resource Types

This policy targets the following resource types:

Primary Policy

This policy is used with the following primary policy:


Policy Specification

Schema Type
name: guardrails_gcp_network_subnetwork
label: GCP > Network > Subnetwork
extendsTable: cmdb_ci
- name: creation_timestamp
label: Creation Timestamp
- name: description
label: Description
- name: enable_flow_logs
label: Enable Flow Logs
type: boolean
- name: fingerprint
label: Fingerprint
- name: gateway_address
label: Gateway Address
- name: iam_policy
label: IAM Policy
type: string
size: 1000
- name: id
label: ID
- name: ip_cidr_range
label: IP CIDR Range
- name: ipv6_cidr_range
label: IPV6 CIDR Range
- name: kind
label: Kind
- name: log_config_aggregation_interval
label: Log Config Aggregation Interval
- name: log_config_enable
label: Log Config Enable
type: boolean
- name: log_config_filter_expr
label: Log Config Filter Expr
- name: log_config_flow_sampling
label: Log Config Flow Sampling
- name: log_config_metadata
label: Log Config Metadata
- name: log_config_metadata_fields
label: Log Config Metadata Fields
type: string
size: 1000
- name: network
label: Network
- name: private_ip_google_access
label: Private IP Google Access
type: boolean
- name: private_ipv6_google_access
label: Private IPv6 Google Access
- name: project
label: Project ID
type: string
- name: purpose
label: Purpose
- name: region
label: Region
- name: role
label: Role
- name: secondary_ip_ranges
label: Secondary IP Ranges
type: string
size: 1000
- name: self_link
label: Self Link
- name: state
label: State
- name: subnetwork_name
label: Subnetwork Name


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