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Policy: GCP > Kubernetes Engine > Region Cluster > ServiceNow > Table > Definition

The policy enables the definition of ServiceNow table properties, including its name and the base table from which it extends, and details the specific columns required for representing GCP > Kubernetes Engine > Region Cluster data.

Resource Types

This policy targets the following resource types:

Primary Policy

This policy is used with the following primary policy:


Policy Specification

Schema Type
name: guardrails_gcp_kubernetesengine_regioncluster
label: GCP > Kubernetes Engine > Region Cluster
extendsTable: cmdb_ci
- name: addons_config
label: Addons Config
type: string
size: 1000
- name: authenticator_groups_config
label: Authenticator Groups Config
type: string
size: 1000
- name: autopilot_enabled
label: Autopilot Enabled
type: boolean
- name: autoscaling
label: Autoscaling
type: string
size: 1000
- name: binary_authorization
label: Binary Authorization
type: string
size: 1000
- name: cluster_ipv4_cidr
label: Cluster IPV4 CIDR
- name: conditions
label: Conditions
type: string
size: 1000
- name: create_time
label: Create Time
- name: current_master_version
label: Current Master Version
- name: current_node_count
label: Current Node Count
- name: current_node_version
label: Current Node Version
- name: database_encryption_state
label: Database Encryption State
- name: endpoint
label: Endpoint
- name: expire_time
label: Expire Time
- name: initial_cluster_version
label: Initial Cluster Version
- name: instance_group_urls
label: Instance Group URLs
type: string
size: 1000
- name: ip_allocation_policy
label: IP Allocation Policy
type: string
size: 1000
- name: labels
label: Labels
type: string
size: 1000
- name: locations
label: Locations
type: string
size: 1000
- name: network
label: Network
- name: network_config
label: Network Config
type: string
size: 1000
- name: node_config
label: Node Config
type: string
size: 1000
- name: node_pools
label: Node Pools
type: string
size: 1000
- name: notification_config
label: Notification Config
type: string
size: 1000
- name: private_cluster_config
label: Private Cluster Config
type: string
size: 1000
- name: project
label: Project
type: string
- name: region
label: Region
- name: region_cluster_location
label: Location
- name: services_ipv4_cidr
label: Services IPV4 CIDR
- name: status
label: Status
- name: status_message
label: Status Message
- name: subnetwork
label: Subnetwork
- name: zone
label: Zone


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