ServiceNow CMDB CI relationship sync: faster, more complete →

Policy: Azure > Service Bus > Topic > ServiceNow > Table > Definition

The policy enables the definition of ServiceNow table properties, including its name and the base table from which it extends, and details the specific columns required for representing Azure > Service Bus > Topic data.

Resource Types

This policy targets the following resource types:

Primary Policy

This policy is used with the following primary policy:


Policy Specification

Schema Type
name: guardrails_azure_servicebus_topic
label: Azure > Service Bus > Topic
extendsTable: cmdb_ci
- name: accessed_at
label: Accessed At
- name: auto_delete_on_idle
label: Auto Delete On Idle
type: string
size: 1000
- name: created_at
label: Created At
- name: default_message_time_to_live
label: Default Message Time To Live
- name: enable_batched_operation
label: Enabled Batched Operation
type: string
size: 1000
- name: enable_express
label: Enable Express
type: string
size: 1000
- name: enable_partitioning
label: Enable Partitioning
type: string
size: 1000
- name: id
label: ID
- name: region
label: Region
- name: requires_duplicate_detection
label: Requires Duplicate Detection
- name: resource_group
label: Resource Group
- name: subscription_id
label: Subscription ID
- name: tags
label: Tags
type: string
size: 1000
- name: topic_name
label: Name
- name: type
label: Type
- name: updated_at
label: Updated At


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