🚀Launch Week 07, Jaunary 27th - 31st, 2025🚀

Policy: Azure > Compute > Virtual Machine > ServiceNow > Table > Definition

The policy enables the definition of ServiceNow table properties, including its name and the base table from which it extends, and details the specific columns required for representing Azure > Compute > Virtual Machine data.

Resource Types

This policy targets the following resource types:

Primary Policy

This policy is used with the following primary policy:


Policy Specification

Schema Type
name: guardrails_azure_compute_virtualmachine
label: Azure > Compute > Virtual Machine
extendsTable: cmdb_ci
- name: additional_unattend_content
label: Additional Unattend Content
type: string
size: 1000
- name: admin_user_name
label: Admin User Name
- name: allow_extension_operations
label: Allow Extension Operations
type: boolean
- name: availability_set_id
label: Availability Set ID
- name: billing_profile_max_price
label: Billing Profile Max Price
- name: boot_diagnostics_enabled
label: Boot Diagnostics Enabled
type: boolean
- name: boot_diagnostics_storage_uri
label: Boot Diagnostics Storage URI
- name: computer_name
label: Computer Name
- name: data_disks
label: Data Disks
type: string
size: 1000
- name: disable_password_authentication
label: Disable Password Authentication
type: boolean
- name: enable_automatic_updates
label: Enable Automatic Updates
type: boolean
- name: eviction_policy
label: Eviction Policy
- name: id
label: ID
- name: identity
label: Identity
type: string
size: 1000
- name: image_exact_version
label: Image Exact Version
- name: image_id
label: Image ID
- name: image_offer
label: Image Offer
- name: image_publisher
label: Image Publisher
- name: image_sku
label: Image Sku
- name: image_version
label: Image Version
- name: linux_configuration_ssh_public_keys
label: Linux Configuration SSH Public Keys
type: string
size: 1000
- name: managed_disk_id
label: Managed Disk ID
- name: network_interfaces
label: Network Interfaces
type: string
size: 1000
- name: os_disk_caching
label: OS Disk Caching
- name: os_disk_create_option
label: OS Disk Create Option
- name: os_disk_name
label: OS Disk Name
- name: os_disk_vhd_uri
label: OS Disk VHD URI
- name: os_type
label: OS Type
- name: patch_settings
label: Patch Settings
type: string
size: 1000
- name: priority
label: Priority
- name: provision_vm_agent
label: Provision VM Agent
type: boolean
- name: provision_vm_agent_windows
label: Provision VM Agent Windows
type: boolean
- name: provisioning_state
label: Provisioning State
- name: region
label: Region
- name: region_name
label: Region Name
type: string
size: 200
- name: resource_group
label: Resource Group
type: string
size: 200
- name: secrets
label: Secrets
type: string
size: 1000
- name: security_profile
label: Security Profile
type: string
size: 1000
- name: size
label: Size
- name: statuses
label: Statuses
type: string
size: 1000
- name: subscription_id
label: Subscription ID
type: string
- name: tags
label: Tags
type: string
size: 1000
- name: time_zone
label: Time Zone
- name: type
label: Type
- name: ultra_ssd_enabled
label: Ultra SSD Enabled
type: boolean
- name: virtual_machine_name
label: Virtual Machine Name
- name: vm_id
label: VM ID
- name: win_rm
label: Win RM
type: string
size: 1000
- name: zones
label: Zones
type: string
size: 1000


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