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Policy: Azure > SQL Virtual Machine Service > SQL Virtual Machine > Tags > Template

The template is used to generate the keys and values for Azure SQL Virtual Machine Service sql virtual machine.

Tags not defined in SQL Virtual Machine Tags Template will not be modified or deleted. Setting a tag value to undefined will result in the tag being deleted.

See Tags for more information.

Resource Types

This policy targets the following resource types:

Primary Policy

This policy is used with the following primary policy:


Policy Specification

Default template
{%- if $.defaultTags.value | length == 0 %} [] {%- elif $.defaultTags.value != undefined %}{{ $.defaultTags.value | dump | safe }}{%- else %}{% for item in $.defaultTags.value %}- {{ item }}{% endfor %}{% endif %}
Default template input
- |
subscription {
turbot {
- |
defaultTags: policyValue(uri:"tmod:@turbot/azure-sqlvirtualmachine#/policy/types/sqlVirtualMachineServiceTagsTemplate" resourceId: "{{ $ }}") {
Examples [YAML]
  • foo: bar
    environment: prod
  • - foo123: bar
    - environment: dev
  • - cost-center: zz123
    - delete-me: undefined


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