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Policy: Azure > SQL Virtual Machine Service > SQL Virtual Machine > Approved > Regions

A list of Azure regions in which Azure SQL Virtual Machine Service sql virtual machines are approved for use.

The expected format is an array of regions names. You may use the '*' and '?' wildcard characters.

This policy will be evaluated by the Approved control. If an Azure SQL Virtual Machine Service sql virtual machine is created in a region that is not in the approved list, it will be subject to the action specified in the Azure > SQL Virtual Machine Service > SQL Virtual Machine > Approved policy.

See Approved for more information.

Resource Types

This policy targets the following resource types:

Primary Policy

This policy is used with the following primary policy:


Policy Specification

Default template
{% if $.regions.value | length == 0 %} [] {% endif %}{% for item in $.regions.value %}- '{{ item }}'
{% endfor %}
Default template input
regions: policyValue(uri:"tmod:@turbot/azure-sqlvirtualmachine#/policy/types/sqlVirtualMachineServiceApprovedRegionsDefault") {


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