Policy: Azure > SQL > Server > Auditing > Storage Account
Define the storage account for server audit logs.
The storage account name or primary blob endpoint is required.
Premium storage and hierarchical namespace for Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 storage account is currently not supported.
any of these examples are valid: teststorageaccount https://teststorageaccount.blob.core.windows.net/ https://teststorageaccount.blob.core.usgovcloudapi.net/ https://teststorageaccount.blob.core.chinacloudapi.cn/
Note: To avoid cross-region reads/writes of audit records, Azure highly recommends to use storage and server located in the same region.
Resource Types
This policy targets the following resource types:
Primary Policy
This policy is used with the following primary policy:
Policy Packs
This policy setting is used by the following policy packs:
Policy Specification
Schema Type |
Examples [YAML] | https://sqlva5njk5n7qwh4my.blob.core.windows.net/ |
In Your Workspace
- tmod:@turbot/turbot#/control/categories/resourceLogging
- tmod:@turbot/azure-sql#/policy/types/serverAuditingStorageAccount
- turbot graphql policy-type --id "tmod:@turbot/azure-sql#/policy/types/serverAuditingStorageAccount"
- turbot graphql policy-settings --filter "policyTypeId:tmod:@turbot/azure-sql#/policy/types/serverAuditingStorageAccount"
Get Policy TypeGet Policy Settings
Category URI
Policy Type URI