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Policy: Azure > CIS v2.0 > 08 - Key Vault > 8.08 - Ensure Automatic Key Rotation is Enabled Within Azure Key Vault for the Supported Services > Attestation

By setting this policy, you attest that you have manually verified that it complies with the relevant section of the CIS Benchmark.

Note: Azure CLI and Powershell use ISO8601 flags to input timespans. Every timespan input will be in the format P(Y,M,D). The leading P is required with it denoting period. The (Y,M,D) are for the duration of Year, Month,and Day respectively. A time frame of 2 years, 2 months, 2 days would be (P2Y2M2D).

From Azure Portal 1. From Azure Portal select the Portal Menu in the top left. 2. Select Key Vaults. 3. Select a Key Vault to audit. 4. Under Objects select Keys. 5. Select a key to audit. 6. In the top row select Rotation policy. 7. Select an Expiry time. 8. Set Enable auto rotation to Enabled. 9. Set an appropriate Rotation option and Rotation time. 10.Optionally set the Notification time. 11.Select Save. 12.Repeat steps 3-11 for each Key Vault and Key.

From Azure CLI Run the following command for each key to update its policy to be auto-rotated: az keyvault key rotation-policy update -n <keyName> --vault-name <vaultName> --value <path/to/policy.json><br /><br /> Note: It is easiest to supply the policy flags in a .json file. An example json file would be: { "lifetimeActions": [ { "trigger": { "timeAfterCreate": "<timespanInISO8601Format>", "timeBeforeExpiry" : null }, "action": { "type": "Rotate" } }, { "trigger": { "timeBeforeExpiry" : "<timespanInISO8601Format>" }, "action": { "type": "Notify" } } ], "attributes": { "expiryTime": "<timespanInISO8601Format>" } }

From PowerShell Run the following command for each key to update its policy: Set-AzKeyVaultKeyRotationPolicy -VaultName test-kv -Name test-key -PolicyPathrotation_policy.json

Note: It is easiest to supply the policy flags in a .json file. An example json file would be: <# rotation_policy.json { "lifetimeActions": [ { "trigger": { "timeAfterCreate": "P<timespanInISO8601Format>M", "timeBeforeExpiry": null }, "action": { "type": "Rotate" } }, { "trigger": { "timeBeforeExpiry": "P<timespanInISO8601Format>D" }, "action": { "type": "Notify" } } ], "attributes": { "expiryTime": "P<timespanInISO8601Format>Y" } } #>

Once verified, enter the date that this attestation expires. Note that the date can not be further in the future than is specified in report level Maximum Attestation Duration policy. Set to a blank value to clear the attestation.

Resource Types

This policy targets the following resource types:

Primary Policy

This policy is used with the following primary policy:


Policy Specification

Schema Type


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