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Policy: Azure > CIS v2.0 > 05 - Logging and Monitoring > 5.04 - Ensure that Azure Monitor Resource Logging is Enabled for All Services that Support it > Attestation

By setting this policy, you attest that you have manually verified that it complies with the relevant section of the CIS Benchmark.

Azure Subscriptions should log every access and operation for all resources. Logs should be sent to Storage and a Log Analytics Workspace or equivalent third-party system. Logs should be kept in readily-accessible storage for a minimum of one year, and then moved to inexpensive cold storage for a duration of time as necessary. If retention policies are set but storing logs in a Storage Account is disabled (for example, if only Event Hubs or Log Analytics options are selected), the retention policies have no effect. Enable all monitoring at first, and then be more aggressive moving data to cold storage if the volume of data becomes a cost concern.

From Azure Portal The specific steps for configuring resources within the Azure console vary depending on resource, but typically the steps are: 1. Go to the resource 2. Click on Diagnostic settings 3. In the blade that appears, click "Add diagnostic setting" 4. Configure the diagnostic settings 5. Click on Save

From Azure CLI For each resource, run the following making sure to use a resource appropriate JSON encoded category for the --logs option.

az monitor diagnostic-settings create --name <diagnostic settings name> --resource <resource ID> --logs "[{category:<resource specific category>,enabled:true,rentention-policy:{enabled:true,days:180}}]" --metrics "[{category:AllMetrics,enabled:true,retention-policy:{enabled:true,days:180}}]" <[--event-hub <event hub ID> --event-hub-rule <event hub auth rule ID> | --storage-account <storage account ID> |--

From PowerShell Create the log settings object

$logSettings = @()$logSettings += New-AzDiagnosticSettingLogSettingsObject -Enabled $true -RetentionPolicyDay 180 -RetentionPolicyEnabled $true -Category <resource specific category> $logSettings += New-AzDiagnosticSettingLogSettingsObject -Enabled $true -RetentionPolicyDay 180 -RetentionPolicyEnabled $true -Category <resource specific category number 2>

Create the metric settings object

$metricSettings = @()$metricSettings += New-AzDiagnosticSettingMetricSettingsObject -Enabled $true-RetentionPolicyDay 180 -RetentionPolicyEnabled $true -Category AllMetrics

Create the diagnostic setting for a specific resource

New-AzDiagnosticSetting -Name "<diagnostic settings name>" -ResourceId <resource ID> -Log $logSettings -Metric $metricSettings

Once verified, enter the date that this attestation expires. Note that the date can not be further in the future than is specified in report level Maximum Attestation Duration policy. Set to a blank value to clear the attestation.

Resource Types

This policy targets the following resource types:

Primary Policy

This policy is used with the following primary policy:


Policy Specification

Schema Type


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