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Policy: Azure > CIS v2.0 > 04 - Database Services > 4.05 - Cosmos DB > 4.05.03 - Use Azure Active Directory (AAD) Client Authentication and Azure RBAC where possible > Attestation

By setting this policy, you attest that you have manually verified that it complies with the relevant section of the CIS Benchmark.

Map all the resources that currently access to the Azure Cosmos DB account with keys or access tokens. Create an Azure Active Directory (AAD) identity for each of these resources: For Azure resources, you can create a managed identity . You may choose between system-assigned and user-assigned managed identities. For non-Azure resources, create an AAD identity. Grant each AAD identity the minimum permission it requires. When possible, we recommend you use one of the 2 built-in role definitions: Cosmos DB Built-in Data Reader or Cosmos DB Built-in Data Contributor. Validate that the new resource is functioning correctly. After new permissions are granted to identities, it may take a few hours until they propagate. When all resources are working correctly with the new identities, continue to the next step.

You can use the az resource update powershell command:

$cosmosdbname = "cosmos-db-account-name" $resourcegroup = "resource-group-name" $cosmosdb = az cosmosdb show --name $cosmosdbname --resource-group $resourcegroup | ConvertFrom-Json

az resource update --ids $ --set properties.disableLocalAuth=true --latest-include-preview

Once verified, enter the date that this attestation expires. Note that the date can not be further in the future than is specified in report level Maximum Attestation Duration policy. Set to a blank value to clear the attestation.

Resource Types

This policy targets the following resource types:

Primary Policy

This policy is used with the following primary policy:


Policy Specification

Schema Type


In Your Workspace
