Guardrails for GitHub →

Policy: Azure > CIS v2.0 > 01 - Identity and Access Management > 1.01 - Security Defaults > 1.01.03 Ensure that 'Multi-Factor Auth Status' is 'Enabled' for all Non-Privileged Users > Attestation

From Azure Portal

1. From Azure Home select the Portal Menu 2. Select the Azure Active Directory blade 3. Then Users 4. Select All Users 5. Click on Per-User MFA button on the top bar 6. Ensure that for all users MULTI-FACTOR AUTH STATUS is Enabled

Once verified, enter the date that this attestation expires. Note that the date can not be further in the future than is specified in report level Maximum Attestation Duration policy. Set to a blank value to clear the attestation.

Resource Types

This policy targets the following resource types:

Primary Policy

This policy is used with the following primary policy:


Policy Specification

Schema Type


In Your Workspace
