Policy: AWS > Well-Architected Tool > AWS Well-Architected Framework > Security > SEC 06. How do you protect your compute resources? > Enable people to perform actions at a distance
Removing the ability for interactive access reduces the risk of human error, and the potential for manual configuration or management. For example, use a change management workflow to deploy EC2 instances using infrastructure as code, then manage EC2 instances using tools instead of allowing direct access or a bastion host.
See Enable people to perform actions at a distance for more information.
Resource Types
This policy targets the following resource types:
Primary Policy
This policy is used with the following primary policy:
- AWS > Well-Architected Tool > AWS Well-Architected Framework > Security
- AWS > Well-Architected Tool > AWS Well-Architected Framework > Security > SEC 06. How do you protect your compute resources?
Policy Specification
Schema Type |
Default |
Valid Values [YAML] |
In Your Workspace
- tmod:@turbot/turbot#/control/categories/other
- tmod:@turbot/aws-wellarchitected-framework#/policy/types/sec06ActionsDistance
- turbot graphql policy-type --id "tmod:@turbot/aws-wellarchitected-framework#/policy/types/sec06ActionsDistance"
- turbot graphql policy-settings --filter "policyTypeId:tmod:@turbot/aws-wellarchitected-framework#/policy/types/sec06ActionsDistance"
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Category URI
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