Policy: AWS > Well-Architected Tool > AWS Well-Architected Framework > Reliability > REL 07. How do you design your workload to adapt to changes in demand? > Use automation when obtaining or scaling resources
When replacing impaired resources or scaling your workload, automate the process by using managed AWS services, such as Amazon S3 and AWS Auto Scaling. You can also use third-party tools and AWS SDKs to automate scaling.
See Use automation when obtaining or scaling resources for more information.
Resource Types
This policy targets the following resource types:
Primary Policy
This policy is used with the following primary policy:
- AWS > Well-Architected Tool > AWS Well-Architected Framework > Reliability
- AWS > Well-Architected Tool > AWS Well-Architected Framework > Reliability > REL 07. How do you design your workload to adapt to changes in demand?
Policy Specification
Schema Type |
Default |
Valid Values [YAML] |
In Your Workspace
- tmod:@turbot/turbot#/control/categories/other
- tmod:@turbot/aws-wellarchitected-framework#/policy/types/rel07AutoscaleAdapt
- turbot graphql policy-type --id "tmod:@turbot/aws-wellarchitected-framework#/policy/types/rel07AutoscaleAdapt"
- turbot graphql policy-settings --filter "policyTypeId:tmod:@turbot/aws-wellarchitected-framework#/policy/types/rel07AutoscaleAdapt"
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Category URI
Policy Type URI