
Policy: AWS > Well-Architected Tool > AWS Well-Architected Framework > Reliability > REL 04. How do you design interactions in a distributed system to prevent failures? > Make all responses idempotent

An idempotent service promises that each request is completed exactly once, such that making multiple identical requests has the same effect as making a single request. An idempotent service makes it easier for a client to implement retries without fear that a request will be erroneously processed multiple times. To do this, clients can issue API requests with an idempotency token—the same token is used whenever the request is repeated. An idempotent service API uses the token to return a response identical to the response that was returned the first time that the request was completed.

See Make all responses idempotent for more information.

Resource Types

This policy targets the following resource types:

Primary Policy

This policy is used with the following primary policy:


Policy Specification

Schema Type
Valid Values [YAML]
  • Skip
  • True
  • False


In Your Workspace
