Policy: AWS > Well-Architected Tool > AWS Well-Architected Framework > Reliability > REL 02. How do you plan your network topology? > Provision redundant connectivity between private networks in the cloud and on-premises environments
Use multiple AWS Direct Connect (DX) connections or VPN tunnels between separately deployed private networks. Use multiple DX locations for high availability. If using multiple AWS Regions, ensure redundancy in at least two of them. You might want to evaluate AWS Marketplace appliances that terminate VPNs. If you use AWS Marketplace appliances, deploy redundant instances for high availability in different Availability Zones.
See Provision redundant connectivity between private networks in the cloud and on-premises environments for more information.
Resource Types
This policy targets the following resource types:
Primary Policy
This policy is used with the following primary policy:
- AWS > Well-Architected Tool > AWS Well-Architected Framework > Reliability
- AWS > Well-Architected Tool > AWS Well-Architected Framework > Reliability > REL 02. How do you plan your network topology?
Policy Specification
Schema Type |
Default |
Valid Values [YAML] |
In Your Workspace
- tmod:@turbot/turbot#/control/categories/other
- tmod:@turbot/aws-wellarchitected-framework#/policy/types/rel02HaConnPrivateNetworks
- turbot graphql policy-type --id "tmod:@turbot/aws-wellarchitected-framework#/policy/types/rel02HaConnPrivateNetworks"
- turbot graphql policy-settings --filter "policyTypeId:tmod:@turbot/aws-wellarchitected-framework#/policy/types/rel02HaConnPrivateNetworks"
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Category URI
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