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Policy: AWS > S3 > Bucket > Policy > Trusted Access > Organization Restrictions

List of AWS Organization IDs that are trusted for cross-account access in the AWS S3 bucket policy, or '*' to skip the Organization Restriction.

Note that Trusted Access > Accounts and Trusted Access > Organizations are evaluated independently. To have access, an AWS principal must be allowed in Trusted Access > Accounts AND be a member of an Organization that is allowed in Trusted Access > Organizations.

Note: Trusted Access > Organization Restrictions are ONLY applied to AWS principals. Services and Federated principals do NOT contain the aws:PrincipalOrgId condition key, and thus cannot be validated against the Organization.

example: - "o-333333333" - "o-c3a5y4wd52"

Resource Types

This policy targets the following resource types:

Primary Policy

This policy is used with the following primary policy:


Policy Packs

This policy setting is used by the following policy packs:

Policy Specification

Schema Type
Default template
{% if $.organizations | length == 0 %}[]{% endif %}{% for item in $.organizations %}- '{{ item }}'
{% endfor %}
Default template input
organizations: policy(uri: "tmod:@turbot/aws-s3#/policy/types/s3PolicyTrustedOrganizations")


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