Control: AWS > S3 > Bucket > Stack [Native]
Configure a custom stack on AWS, per the custom Stack [Native] > Source
A Guardrails Stack
is a set of resources configured by Guardrails, as specified via Terraform source. Stacks are responsible for the creation and deletion of multiple resources.
Resource Types
This control targets the following resource types:
Primary Policies
The following policies can be used to configure this control:
- Stack [Native]
- Stack [Native] > Drift Detection
- Stack [Native] > Drift Detection > Interval
- Stack [Native] > Modifier
- Stack [Native] > Secret Variables
- Stack [Native] > Source
- Stack [Native] > Timeout
- Stack [Native] > Variables
- Stack [Native] > Version
In Your Workspace
- tmod:@turbot/aws-s3#/control/types/bucketStackNative
- tmod:@turbot/turbot#/control/categories/configured
- turbot graphql controls --filter "controlTypeId:tmod:@turbot/aws-s3#/control/types/bucketStackNative"
Get Controls
Control Type URI
Category URI