Control: AWS > PCI v3.2.1 > IAM > 7 IAM user credentials should be disabled if not used within a predefined number of days
This control checks whether your IAM users have passwords or active access keys that have not been used within a specified number of days. The default is 90 days.
PCI requirement(s): 8.1.4
Resource Types
This control targets the following resource types:
In Your Workspace
- tmod:@turbot/aws-pciv3-2-1#/control/types/iamUserUnusedCredentials90
- tmod:@turbot/turbot#/control/categories/compliancePci
- turbot graphql controls --filter "controlTypeId:tmod:@turbot/aws-pciv3-2-1#/control/types/iamUserUnusedCredentials90"
Get Controls
Control Type URI
Category URI